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CV and Publications

Standards and Specifications

Publications, Short courses, conferences

List of contribution in reverse order, i.e., most recent: first; oldest: last. Contact me to obtain a copy or to be directed to the relevant site to retrieve the publication

  • Blond, E (2022): Concrete Linings or Geomembrane Linings: Which One Works Best?, ICID newsletter (in press)


  • Blond, E (2022): A holistic approach to the long-term performance of geomembrane lining systems: design considerations and minimum material properties. Nortene Webinar, June 7, 2022 (online)


  • Blond, E; Beaumier D (2022): Caractérisation des propriétés de frottement des géomembranes texturées (Characterization of Shear Properties of Textured Geomembranes), Proceedings of Rencontres géosynthétiques 2022, Saint-Malo, France.


  • Blond, E (2022): Assessment of the pore opening size of knitted geotextiles by image analysis, IGS TC-H Webinar on ‘Recent Advances in Geotextile Filtration Design: Pore Opening Size Measurement using a Porometer or an Optical Test’, IGS Technical Committee on Hydraulics, April 26, 2022 (online)


  • Blond, E (2022): Review of existing pore opening size measurement techniques, how reliable are ASTM D4751 and ISO 12956?, IGS TC-H Webinar on ‘Recent Advances in Geotextile Filtration Design: Pore Opening Size Measurement using a Porometer or an Optical Test’, IGS Technical Committee on Hydraulics, April 26, 2022 (online)


  • Blond, E (2022): Double lining systems utilizing geomembranes and geosynthetic drains: why are they so much better?, ACIGS Webinar, March 30, 2022 (virtual).


  • Blond, E (2021): Service life of geosynthetics. Webinar Series: Improving the Performance of Canals with Geosynthetics, 15-16-17 November 2021. IGS Technical Committee on Hydraulics.


  • Blond, E. (2021): Designing geocomposites drains in leachate collection layers and double lining systems. Proceedings of Sardinia 2021, the 18th International Symposium on Waste Management and sustainable landfilling, Cagliari, Italy, 11 - 15 October 2021.


  • Blond, E. (2021): The design of drainage geocomposites for long term applications. Webinar organized by the UK-Chapter of the IGS (International Geosynthetics Society) September 14, 2021


  • Blond, E. (2021): Repeatability of aging tests, Report on ASTM D35 efforts. ACIGS Forum on Geo-Barriers – March 23, 2021 (Online). Australian Chapter of the International Geosynthetics Society.


  • Blond, E (2021): Designing Geotextiles for Filtration: A Review of the State of the Practice, Development of Design Standard ISO 18228-3. Geosynthetics Conference 2021, Kansas City (MO), February 21-24, 2021 (virtual)


  • Allen, S; Blond, E; Medlin, M; Von Maubeuge, K; Kurek, R; Suits, D; Islam, Z; Lozano, R (2021): Current Hot Topics in ASTM International Committee D35 on Geosynthetics. Geosynthetics Conference 2021, Kansas City (MO), February 21-24, 2021 (virtual)


  • Blond E., Rimoldi P., Legge K., Heibaum M., Wilke M, Allen S. (2021): IGS TC-H Panel on: Filtration and Drainage Performance of Geosynthetics in Changing Climate Conditions. Geosynthetics Conference 2021, Kansas City (MO), February 21-24, 2021 (virtual)


  • Blond (2021) : Introduction anx Géosynthétiques dans les projets d’Infrastructure, Webinar organized by Terrafix Geosynthetics, February 17, 2021


  • Plusquellec H, Blond E (2020) : Irrigation Canals Lining: Moving from a Short- to Long-Term Effectiveness of Seepage Control with the Use of Geosynthetics; Presentation at the Special TC-H Session on Canal Lining, Organized by IGS Technical Committees TC-H (Hydraulics), Geoamericas 2020 Conference (Virtual)


  • Blond E (2020): ACIGS Webinar: Designing with Geocomposites Drains for Long-Term Applications; Webinar organized by the ACIGS – The Australian Chapter of the International Geosynthetics Society, April 22, 2020


  • Blond E (2020): Review of the Improvements to OIT and Heat Aging Test Methods Currently under Discussion in ASTM D35; 2020 Geomembrane Workshop Series of the ACIGS – The Australian Chapter of the International Geosynthetics Society, March 16-17 2020 (Melbourne); March 16-17 2020 (Brisbane)


  • Blond (2019): Index and Performance Testing of Flow Capacity of Geocomposite Drains; IGS Technical Committee on Hydraulics (TC-H) Workshop, Prague, 13 November 2019


  • Blond (2019): Introduction to the New Standard ISO TR 18228-3 on Designing for Filtration; IGS Technical Committee on Hydraulics (TC-H) Workshop, Prague, 13 November 2019


  • Dupont, N., Mlynarek J., Blond E (2019) : La certification des géotextiles utilisés en génie routier : une édition 2018 mieux ciblée sur les besoins du marché; Revue Routes et Transports, Vol.48 #1 printemps 2019 - Infrastructures, aménagements et technologies


  • ISO 18228-3 (in press) Design using geosynthetics — Part 3: Filtration (main author / coordinator)


  • Blond E, Saunier P, Dolez P (2018): Filtration of oil-sand tailing slurries, Geosynthetics Magazine, 2018


  • Saunier, Blond (2018): Lessons learned on the Performance of Multi-Linear Drainage Geocomposites for Mining Applications; Proceedings of Tailings and Mine Waste Conference 2018, Sept 30 – Oct 2 2018, Keystone, Co


  • Dolez, Blond, Saunier (2018): Use of an electrically conductive drain-tube planar geocomposite (eGCP) for accelerating the dewatering of mine tailings; Proceedings of the XIth international Conference on Geosynthetics, Sept 16-21 2018, Coex, Seoul, Korea


  • Adesokan D, Blond E. (2018): Asperity height or asperity concentration: what matters more for interface shear resistance on textured polyethylene (PE) geomembranes?; Proceedings of the XIth international Conference on Geosynthetics, Sept 16-21 2018, Coex, Seoul, Korea


  • Beaumier D, Dolez P, Blond E, Adesokan D (2018): Analysis of the effect of a white coextruded layer on the development of solar radiation-induced wrinkles in polyethylene geomembranes; Proceedings of the XIth international Conference on Geosynthetics, Sept 16-21 2018, Coex, Seoul, Korea


  • Blond, E (2018): Testing and Specification of Geosynthetics; Workshop organized by IGS Technical Committee on Hydraulic Applications, 2018 International Conference and 69th IEC Meeting of the ICID, 12-17 August 2018, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada


  • Blond E. (2017): Measuring Geosynthetics Performance: Drainage; IGS-TC-H Geohydraulics Week, New Orleans, LA, November 7 – 9, 2017


  • Blond E, Boyle S, Ferrara M, Herlin B, Plusquellec H, Rimoldi P, Stark T (2017): Applications of Geosynthetics to Irrigation, Drainage and Agriculture; ICID Journal


  • Blond, E (2017): Testing of Geosynthetic Products used in Irrigation, Drainage and Agricultural Applications, Workshop organized by IGS Technical Committee on Hydraulic Applications, 23rd International Congress on Irrigation and Drainage, October 2017, Mexico City, Mexico


  • Saunier, Blond (2017): Statement of the Performance of Tubular Drainage Geocomposites for Mining Applications; Proceedings of Tailings 2017, the 4th International Seminar on Tailings Management, July 12-17 2017, Santiago, Chile


  • Beaumier, Dolez, Blond (2017): Laboratory Measurement of the Linear Thermal Expansion of Geomembranes Using a Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer (DMA), Proceedings of GeoFrontiers Conference, Orlando, 2017


  • Dolez, Blond (2017): Evaluation of Geotextile Performance for the Filtration of Fine-grained Tailings, Proceedings of GeoFrontiers Conference, Orlando, 2017


  • Dolez, Beaumier, Taghizadeh, Blond (2017): Effect of White and Black Colors on Heat Generation in Polyethylene Geomembranes Exposed to Solar Radiation, Proceedings of GeoFrontiers Conference, Orlando, 2017


  • Blond E (2016) ASTM Standards on Geosynthetics: D35.02 on Endurance Properties, ASTM D35 sponsored pre-conference short course, GeoAmerica conference, Miami, March 2016


  • Dolez, Blond, Saunier (2016): Effect of the Composition of Tailings on Their Dewatering Using Electrically Conductive Drain-Tube Planar Geocomposites (eGCP), Proceedings of GeoAmerica Conference, Miami, 2016


  • Jablonka, Beaumier, Blond (2015): Long Term Durability of Polymeric Water-Resistive Barriers, Proceedings of the North American Passive House Conference 2015, Chicago


  • Bauters, T, Zhao, A, Blond, E, Saunier, P (2014): Designing and Specifying Planar Drainage Geocomposites, Pre-conference short course, Geosynthetics’15 conference, Portland, February 2015


  • Blond E (2015) ASTM Standards on Geosynthetics: D35.02 on Durability, ASTM D35 sponsored pre-conference short course, Geosynthetics’15 conference, Portland, February 2015


  • Dolez P.I., Beaumier D, Blond E (2015) A Laboratory Test Method to Measure the Permeability of Geomembranes to Methane and Carbon Dioxide, Proceedings of Geosynthetics’15 conference, Portland, February 2015 (in press)


  • Blond E, Veermersch O, Diederich R (2015) A Comprehensive Analysis of the Measurement Techniques used to Determine Geotextile Opening Size: AOS, FOS, O90, and ‘Bubble Point’, Proceedings of Geosynthetics’15 conference, Portland, February 2015


  • Dolez P.I., Ragoubi M, Beaumier D, Blond E (2014) Measuring the Permeability of Geomembranes to Methane and Carbon Dioxide, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Berlin, September 2014


  • Dolez P.I., Chappel M.J., Blond E (2014): Evaluating the Use of Geotextile Filters to Dewater Oil Sands Tailings, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Berlin, September 2014


  • Dolez P.I., Hassani F, Gamdani F, Ragoubi M, Blond E (2014) Improvement of Polyethylene Geomembrane Barrier Properties Using Nanoparticles, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Berlin, September 2014


  • Blond E, Saunier P, (2014) Laboratory Evaluation of the Performance of Tubular Drainage Geocomposites for Ore Filtration and Acid leachate Collection, proceedings of ‘Geosynthetics in Mining Conference, infomine, Vancouver 2014


  • Blond E, Breul B (2014) Behavior of bituminous geomembranes under elevated compression stress, proceedings of ‘Geosynthetics in Mining Conference, infomine, Vancouver 2014


  • Blond E (2013) Material specification and CQC/CQA + Lab testing: What is typically required and what should be required, CGS 2013 Pre-conference short course: ‘Geosynthetics in landfills and other barrier systems’, Kerry Rowe, 2013


  • Chappel M, Blond E (2013) The Compatibility of Geotextiles with Mature Fine Tailings, Proceeding of the Seventeenth International Conference on Tailings and Mine Waste, 3-6 November 2013, Banff, Alberta, Canada


  • Chappel M, Blond E, Saunier P (2013) Case study of water evacuation from a waste cover via evapotranspiration and a drainage geocomposite, Proceedings of the 66th Canadian Geotechnical Society Conference, Montreal


  • Dolez P, Blond E (2013) A discussion on issues pertaining to the containment of nanomaterials in landfills, Proceedings of the 66th Canadian Geotechnical Society Conference, Montreal


  • Blond E, Saunier P, Daqoune T, Fourmont S. (2013) Assessment of the effect of specimen dimensions and shape factor on the measured transmissivity of planar tubular drainage geocomposites using a large scale transmissivity apparatus. Proceedings of the 66th Canadian Geotechnical Society Conference, Montreal


  • Blond E., Fourmont S., Saunier P. (2013) Biological clogging resistance of tubular drainage geocomposites in leachate collection layers, Proceedings of Geosynthetics’13, Palm Beach, California


  • Bauters, T, Zhao, A, Blond, E, Allen S, Saunier, P (2014): Designing and Specifying Planar Drainage Geocomposites, Pre-conference short course, Geosynthetics’15 conference, Portland, February 2015


  • Beaumier D., Blond E., Mlynarek J. New technique for accurate quantification of plasticizers in PVC geomembranes, Proceedings of the Second Pan American Geosynthetics Conference & Exhibition GeoAmericas 2012, Lima, Perú - May 2012


  • Bourgés-Gastaud S., Blond E., Saunier P: Applicability of drain tubes planar geocomposites for heap leach pads, Proceedings of the Second Pan American Geosynthetics Conference & Exhibition GeoAmericas 2012, Lima, Perú - May 2012


  • Zhao A., Blond E., Recalcati P. (2012) Drainage Geonet Composites and Performance Assessment, Proceedings of EuroGeo 2012, Valencia, Spain


  • Blond E., Fourmont S., Bloquet C. (2012) Applicability of tubular drainage geocomposites as part of the leachate collection layer with respect to biological clogging, Proceedings of EuroGeo 2012, Valencia, Spain


  • Blond E., Fourmont S., Bloquet C. (2011). Évaluation comparée du colmatage bactériologique d'un géocomposite de drainage en fond d'installation de stockage de déchets, Rencontres Géosynthétiques 2011, Tours, France


  • Daqoune T., Blond E. (2010). Development of a New Filtration Testing Apparatus Involving Mechanical Stresses. Proceedings of Geosynthetics 2010, Guaruja, Brazil


  • Saunier P., Blond E. (2010). Behavior of ‘Draintube’ Drainage Geocomposites under High Compression Load. Proceedings of Geosynthetics 2010, Guaruja, Brazil


  • Marcotte M., Denis R., Blond E. (2009). Design Algorithm for the Puncture Resistance of PVC Geomembranes for Heap Leach Pads. Proceedings of Geosynthetics Middle East, Dubai, 2009


  • Saunier P, Blond E. (2009). Behavior of ‘Draintube’ Drainage Geocomposites under High Compression Load. Proceedings of Geosynthetics 2009, Salt Lake City, 2009


  • Jablonka M., Blond E. (2009). Long Term Performance Requirements for Hdpe Drainboards. Proceedings of Geosynthetics 2009, Salt Lake City, 2009


  • Blond E. (2008). Les certifications de produits : gestion de la qualité ou protection de marché? ‘Buildtech’ session opening presentation, Hightex Conference, Montréal, 2008


  • Mok M., Blond E., Mlynarek J., Jeon H.J. (2008). Manufacturing Factors affecting the short-term compressive properties of traditional bi-planar geonets. Proceedings of the International Conference on Geosynthetics, Cancun, 2008


  • M.S. Mok, E. Blond, J. Mlynarek, H.Y. Jeon (2008): Study on geonet’s short-term compressive properties and its transmissivity. Proceedings of GeoAmerica, Pan-American Conference on Geosynthetics, Cancun, March 2008.


  • E. Blond, M.-C. Wilson, R. Ciubotariu, M. Bouthot (2007): Design of a Geotextile Used as a Key Filtration and Reinforcement Component of a Sediment Capping Structure Installed in Shallow Water. Proceedings of the 60th annual conference of the Canadian Geotechnical Society, Ottawa, October 2007.


  • E. Blond (2007): Innovation in the House Building Sector. Revue du Textile, Janvier 2007.


  • E. Blond, G. Elie (2007): Interface Shear-Strength Properties of Textured Polyethylene Geomembranes. Canadian Environmental Protection, Jan/Feb 2007


  • E. Blond, G. Elie (2006): Interface Shear-Strength Properties of Textured Polyethylene Geomembranes. Proceedings of the 59th annual conference of the Canadian Geotechnical Society, Saskatoon, October 2005.


  • E. Blond, G. Elie, D. Kay (2006) : La spécification des géomembranes de polyéthylène vis-à-vis de la durabilité / The Specification of Durability Requirements for Polyethylene Geomembranes, Rencontres Géosynthétiques 2006, Montpellier, France


  • Blond E. (2006) : Les géosynthétiques : une révolution dans l’industrie du génie-civil, Revue du Textile, Avril 2006.


  • Blond E., Davidson S., Jetté D., Quesnel P., Vermeersch O. (2005): On-Site Monitoring Of The First Canadian ‘Piggy-Back’ Landfill, In Quebec. 58th annual conference of the Canadian Geotechnical Society, Saskatoon, October 2005.


  • E. Blond, J. Mlynarek (2005): Specification and Design Criteria for Geotextile Filters To Be Used In Agricultural Drainage, 58th annual conference of the Canadian Geotechnical Society, Saskatoon, October 2005.


  • MAPAQ : Guide de reference technique en drainage souterrain et travaux accessoires, CRAAQ / Agriculture, Pêcheries et Alimentation Québec, 2005 ISBN 2-7649-0145-3 (Section 4 : Les Matériaux Filtrants’ authored by Blond)


  • P. Quesnel, D. Jetté, E. Blond (2005): On-Site Monitoring of the First Canadian ’Piggy-Back’ Landfill, Reseau Environnement, Montréal, Septembre 2005


  • D. Kay and E. Blond. (2005): A Guide to Assess the Durability of 'Plastic' Materials Used in Civil Engineering. CSCE annual conference, 6th Transportation Specialty Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 2-4, 2005


  • Blond E.: Frost Heave Mitigation and Drainage Application of Geosynthetics in Municipal Roadways. Pavement Design and Rehabilitation Seminar and Workshop, Ministry of Transportation of Ontario, North Bay (Ont), December1 -2, 2004


  • Blond E., Benchekroun L., Vermeersch, O., Mlynarek, J. (2004) : Devis type pour géotextiles de séparation. Infra 2004, Montréal, Novembre 2004


  • Blond E., Benchekroun L., Vermeersch, O., Mlynarek, J. (2004): Durability of Separation Geotextiles. Proceedings of the 5th Forum on Geosynthetics, Toronto, November 2004.


  • Blond, E. (2004): Études de performance effectuées sur des géotextiles de séparation. Mini-colloques AQTR / SAGEOS : ‘Les géotextiles et les géogrilles en génie routier’, Gatineau – Sherbrooke – Sainte-Marie de Beauce – Rimouski – Saguenay, Novembre 2004


  • Kay, D., Blond, E., Mlynarek, J. (2004): Geosynthetics Durability: A Polymer Chemistry Issue. Proceedings of the 57th annual conference of the Canadian Geotechnical Society, Québec, October 2004.


  • Bouthot M., Wilson M.C., Ciubotariu R., Blond, E. (2004): Evaluation of the Chemical Compatibility of Geosynthetics used as Components of a Subaqueous Capping System for Contaminated Sediments. Proceedings of the 57th annual conference of the Canadian Geotechnical Society, Québec, October 2004.


  • Blond, E., Vermeersch, O., Mlynarek, J. (2004) : Développement d'un devis type pour les géotextiles de séparation utilisés en construction routière au Québec. Comptes-rendus du 4ème Forum sur les Géosynthétiques, Québec, 11, 12 février 2004.


  • Blond E., Vermeersch, O., Mlynarek, J. (2004): Selection of Protective Cushions for Geomembranes Puncture Protection. Comptes-rendus du 4ème Forum sur les Géosynthétiques, Québec, 11, 12 février 2004.


  • Blond, E., Mlynarek, J. (2003) : Frost Heave Mitigation and Drainage Application of Geosynthetics in Canadian Municipal Roadways. Proceedings of the Korean Geosynthetic Society Conference, November 28, 2003


  • Blond E., Davidson S., Jetté D., Bouthot M., Quesnel P. (2003): Landfill extension using geogrids as reinforcement: Discussion and case study in Quebec. Proceedings of the Ninth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, Sardinia, 6 - 10 October 2003.


  • Blond E., Bouthot, M., Vermeersch, O., Mlynarek, J. (2003): Selection of Protective Cushions for Geomembranes Puncture Protection. Proceedings of the 56th annual conference of the Canadian Geotechnical Society, Winnipeg, October 2003.


  • Blond E., Davidson S., Jetté D., Bouthot M., Quesnel P. (2003): Authorisation, Construction and Instrumentation of a ‘Piggy-Back’ Landfill in Quebec. Proceedings of the 56th annual conference of the Canadian Geotechnical Society, Winnipeg, October 2003.


  • Blond, E., Bouthot, M., Vermeersch, O., Mlynarek, J. (2003): Développement d'un devis type pour les géotextiles de séparation utilisés en construction routière au Québec. Congrès annuel de l'AQTR, Sherbrroke, Avril 2003.


  • Légère, G., Blond, E. (2002): Utilisation des géosynthétiques de renforcement sur tourbières en voirie forestière. Colloque sur le transport en génie forestier, AQTR, Trois rivières, Mai 2002.


  • Légère, G., Blond, E. (2002): Applicability of Geosynthetics for the Reinforcement of Forest Roads in muskeg bags, Avantage FERIC, Vol. 3, No. 25, June 2002.


  • Légère, G., Blond, E. (2002): Applicabilité des géosynthétiques de renforcement sur tourbière en voirie forestière, Avantage FERIC, Vol. 3, No. 25, Juin 2002.


  • Kay, D., Senf, D.F., Blond, E. and Vermeersch, O.G. (2002): "Durability of cellular confinement systems in Quebec", Geosynthetics - State of the Art - Recent Developments, 7th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Nice, p. 1435, Sept. 2002.


  • Bouthot M., Vermeersch O.G.; Blond E., Mlynarek J. (2002): The number of constrictions concept as a mean to predict the filtration behavior of nonwoven geotextile filters. Proc. of the 7th international conference on Geosynthetics, Nice 2002


  • Bouthot, M., Bernard, F., Vermeersch, O. & Blond, E (2002): Évaluation des propriétés résiduelles de filtres géotextiles de systèmes de drainage.  37e Congrès annuel de l’AQTR, Québec.


  • Bernard, F., Bouthot, M., Vermeersch, O. & Blond, E (2002): Évaluation des propriétés résiduelles de filtres géotextiles de systèmes de drainage.  Recueil des communications, Forum Géosynthétiques 2002, Saint-Hyacinthe, Québec.


  • Bouthot, Blond (2002): Géosynthétiques de renforcement pour la conception des chaussées souples. Rapport préparé pour : Ministère des Transports du Québec, Mars 2002 (185 pp)


  • St-Laurent, D., Bouthot, M. & Blond, E (2002): Applicabilité des géogrilles dans les routes et autoroutes interurbaines.  Recueil des communications, Forum Géosynthétiques 2002, Saint-Hyacinthe, Québec.


  • Blond E. (2002): Assurance et contrôle qualité : Impact de la nouvelle réglementation québécoise sur la gestion des matières résiduelles, Forum Géosynthétiques 2002, Saint-Hyacinthe (Québec), Février 2002.


  • Blond, E. (2002): Le drainage des chaussées municipales. Colloque Infrastructure de l'AQTR, Drummondville, Mai 2002


  • Blond, E. (2001): Les géosynthétiques : survol des applications en génie routier. Colloque sur les géosynthétiques, 22 novembre 2001, Jonquière


  • Blond, E. (2001): Contrôle en laboratoire des géosynthétiques. Colloque OPAGE, 21 novembre 2001, Québec


  • Blond, E. (2001): Laboratory Testing of Geosynthetics. OPAGE, April 24, 2002, Moncton (NB)


  • (Publications for year 2000 missing)


  • Bernard F., Blond E., Mlynarek J. (1999): « Influence du drainage sur la fissuration des chaussées municipales », Filters and Drainage in Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering, Wolski & Mlynarek Ed., p. 203-213


  • Bouthot M., Vermeersch O.G., Blond E., Mlynarek J. (1999): « Effet du nombre de constriction sur le comportement en filtration des géotextiles non-tissés », Filters and Drainage in Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering, Wolski & Mlynarek Ed., p. 203-213


  • Blond E., Mlynarek, J., Brodeur, M., Chartrand, L. (1999): « Comportement hivernal et printanier de chaussées municipales isolées et drainées sur la rue Nelson à St-Hyacinthe », 'Infra'99 – La semaine des Infrastructures', Palais des congrès, Montréal


  • Blond E., Mlynarek, J., Brodeur, M., Chartrand, L. (1999): « Comportement hivernal et printanier de chaussées municipales », Filters and Drainage in Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering, Wolski & Mlynarek Ed., p. 203-213


  • Mlynarek, J., Sarazin P., Blond E. (1999): « Failure Analysis of a CSPE Geomembrane after 20 years of use », Proc. Rencontres géosynthétiques 99, Bordeaux, France.


  • Blond E., Mlynarek, J., Brodeur, M. (1999): « Amélioration de la fonctionnalité de sous-fondations à l'aide de géosynthétiques : le site expérimental de la rue Martineau à St-Hyacinthe, Québec », Proc. Rencontres géosynthétiques 99, Bordeaux, France.


  • Blond E., Mlynarek, J., Brodeur, M. (1999): « Expérimentation de solutions pour améliorer le comportement thermique, hydraulique et structural de chaussées par l'utilisation de géosynthétiques », Rencontre régionale du CERIU, Rouyn-Noranda, 12 mai 1999.


  • Mlynarek J, Blond E., Bouthot M., Marcil R., (1999): « General investigation of the behavior of a roadway with Geosynthetic Edge Drains during a Thunder rainfall in LaSalle Municipality (Quebec) », Proc. of Geosynthetics'99 Conference, Boston.


  • Blond E., Mlynarek J., Marcil R.J., Bouthot M. (1999): « Étude du comportement d'une chaussée équipée de drains géosynthétiques lors d'un orage dans la municipalité de LaSalle », Routes et transports, vol 28 n°1, p.9-20.


  • Brodeur, M., Blond E., Mlynarek, J. (1999): « Amélioration du comportement et de la fonctionnalité d'éléments de structure de chaussée municipale : les projets de la rue Martineau et de la rue NELSON à St-Hyacinthe », Contact-plus, la revue de l'AIMQ, n°28, hiver 1999, p 12-14.


  • Blond E., Mlynarek, J., Brodeur, M., (1998): « Expérimentation d'un système multi-couches isolant, drainant et renforcé pour structures de rues à la ville de St-Hyacinthe », La semaine des infrastructures urbaines 'Infra'98', 4ème édition, 24-26 novembre 1998, palais des congrès, Montréal.


  • Blond E., Mlynarek, J., Brodeur, M., Chartrand, L. (1998): « Fonctionnalité et rentabilité de drains et séparateurs géosynthétiques en milieu routier municipal sur la rue Martineau à St-Hyacinthe », 33e Congrès AQTR, Québec.


  • Marcil R.J., Mlynarek J., Blond E. (1998): « Technologies géosynthétiques de drainage routier municipal : le projet de Ville de LaSalle - l'approche d'un ingénieur municipal », 33e Congrès AQTR, Québec, avril 1998.


  • Mlynarek J., Blond E., Marcil R.J., Chartrand L. (1998): « Efficacité des drains géosynthétiques latéraux d'une chaussée municipale de la Ville de LaSalle (Québec) », 33e Congrès AQTR, Québec.


  • Blond E., Mlynarek, J., Brodeur, M. (1998): « Les géosynthétiques : pour la substitution ou l'amélioration de sous-fondations de chaussées », Géoglobe, vol 1, n°2, été 1998, p 29-32.


  • Austin, D.N., Mlynarek, J., Blond, E.: « Expanded Anti-Clogging Criteria for Woven Filtration Geotextiles », Proc. of Geosynthetics'97 Conference, San Diego, 1997.

Standards and Specifications
Geosynthetics / Civil Engineering

Key contributions – either as main author or a significant contributor. All ASTM Standards but D7178 and D7700 were existing documents which underwent extensive revisions under the leadership of Eric Blond

  • ASTM D5101: Standard Test Method for Measuring the Filtration Compatibility of Soil-Geotextile Systems


  • ASTM D5199: Standard Test Method for Measuring the Nominal Thickness of Geosynthetics


  • ASTM D5397: Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Stress Crack Resistance of Polyolefin Geomembranes Using Notched Constant Tensile Load Test


  • ASTM D5493: Standard Test Method for Permittivity of Geotextiles Under Load


  • ASTM D5514: Standard Test Method for Large Scale Hydrostatic Puncture Testing of Geosynthetics


  • ASTM D5885: Standard Test Method for Oxidative Induction Time of Polyolefin Geosynthetics by High-Pressure Differential Scanning Calorimetry


  • ASTM D7178: Standard Practice for Determining the Number of Constrictions “m” of Non-Woven Geotextiles as a Complementary Filtration Property


  • ASTM D7700: Standard Guide for Selecting Test Methods for Geomembrane Seams


  • BNQ 7009-210: Geotextiles Used in Road Engineering – Classification, Characteristics and Test Methods


  • Guide de référence technique en drainage souterrain et travaux accessoires (2005)
    Development of technical requirements for geotextile filters used on HDPE corrugated drainage pipes for agricultural drainage, assorted to a selection criteria based on field assessment (visual, tactile and hand-tests) and a training program


  • ISO 18228-3: Design using geosynthetics — Part 3: Filtration


  • OPSS 1860: Material Specification for Geotextiles


Buildings and Housing

Support provided to the Canadian Construction Material Centre for the development of Technical Guides for evaluation of innovative construction materials

  • CCMC 03 46 13.03: Technical Guide for HDPE foundation product intended for use as a concrete footing form and drainage tile


  • CCMC 07 11 19.01: Technical Guide for Foundation Wall Dampproofing Systems – Dimpled Membranes


  • CCMC 07 21 19.06: Technical Guide for “Spray-Applied Polyurethane Foam Installed in One Pass with a Maximum Thickness of 140 mm”


  • CCMC 07 21 19.03: Technical Guide for Low Density, Open Cell, Spray-Applied Polyurethane Foam Thermal Insulation Material Used as an Insulative Sheathing and Inner Boundary of Second Plane of Protection


  • CCMC 07 54 19.01: Technical Guide for PVC Sheet-Applied Decking Membranes (Exposed to Light Pedestrian Traffic)


  • CCMC 07 65 26.02: Technical Guide for Acrylic Polyolefin Sheathing Tape and Self-Adhering Flashing


  • CCMC 07 65 26.01: Technical Guide for Butyl-Based Self-Adhering Sheet Flashing


  • CCMC 33 46 23.01: Technical Guide for Foundation Wall Drainage Systems – Dimpled Membranes

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