I had the honor of collaborating with Pietro Rimoldi (then Chair of the TC-H) to organize a special session on canal lining technologies at the GeoAmericas 2020 Conference on behalf of the Technical Committee on Hydraulics of the IGS.
More than 180 geosynthetics and canal lining professional have attended the session! The Organizing Committee of GeoAmericas 2020 has authorized further use of the recording of these presentations, which are therefore listed below for convenience.
Click on the title of the presentation to access the video (hosted by third parties).
H. Plusquellec, Consultant, USA; and E. Blond, Consultant, Canada
W. C. Crawford, Concrete Canvas Ltd, UK; and L. K. Church, Concrete Canvas Ltd, UK
B. Amat, Firestone Building Products EMEA, Belgium
B. Breul, Axter, France; and E. Escobar, Axter Ibérica, Chile
M. Wilke, HUESKER Synthetic GmbH, Germany
A.K. Maskal, Solmax Geosynthetics, USA
Conference web page: https://www.geoamericas2020online.com/
For more information on IGS - TC-H: https://www.geosyntheticssociety.org/committees/technical-hydraulics/#squelch-taas-tab-content-0-0